write about the Elastic Behavior of Solids
If a body regains its original shape and size after removal of the deforming force it is called an elastic body and the property is called elasticity. Here the restoring forces are strong enough to bring the displaced molecules to their original positions. Examples of elastic materials are metals, rubber, quartz, etc.
If a body regains its original shape and size completely and instantaneously upon removal of the deforming force, then it is said to be perfectly elastic.
If a body does not regain its original shape and size and retains its altered shape or size upon removal of the deforming force, it is called a plastic body and the property is called plasticity. Here, the restoring forces are not strong enough to bring the molecules back to their original positions. Examples of plastic materials are clay, putty, plasticine, thick mud, etc. There is no solid which is perfectly elastic or perfectly plastic. The best example of a near ideal elastic solid is quartz fibre and that of a plastic body is putty