History, asked by WOLFRAH, 10 months ago

write about the evidence we have about early humans and their hunting life style​


Answered by krish9845123


FISH may have formed an important part of the diet of our earliest African

ancestors, adding another dimension to the hunting and gathering lifestyle

envisaged by palaeontologists.

Kathlyn Stewart of the Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa has reviewed the

availability of fish between one and two million years ago, the fishing

techniques of animal species and modern Africans, and the existence of fish

remains at early hominid sites. She concludes that fish could have provided

early humans with an important source of protein and fat when other food was

in short supply (Journal of Human Evolution, vol 27, p 229) especially in the

dry season when mammals were undernourished and underweight.

Fishing has largely been neglected as a feature of the early hominid way of

life, probably because of the lack of hard evidence in the form of relevant

tools. However, Stewart suggests that the hominid fishers would not have

needed elaborate harpoons, fishhooks or other fishing paraphernalia. She

points out that hyenas, leopards, baboons and a variety of other mammals

occasionally catch fish without the benefit of technology. And traditional

African fishers today sometimes scoop fish up by hand.

Several common African freshwater fish are easy to catch, especially at

certain times of year. The best catching times would have been when fish

congregated to spawn in shallow water during the rainy season, and when they

were stranded in pools during the dry season. Stewart notes that fat reserves

in some fish increase towards the end of the dry season, just before spawning,

which makes them especially nutritious.

She comments that in spite of the obvious benefits of fish-eating,

archaeologists have paid scant attention to fish remains at early hominid

sites dating from 2 to 1 million years ago, even when it is known that the

hominids lived near water. Only at relatively recent African sites dating up

to 50 000 years ago have fish bones been considered as evidence that fish were

an important seasonal food.

Fish remains have been recorded from several early hominid sites, among

them East Turkana and West Turkana in Kenya, Senge in Zaire, and Olduvai Gorge

in Tanzania. At Olduvai Gorge, for example, more than 4000 fragments of fish

bone, all of them from catfish or perch-like fish called Tilapia, were

recovered from deposits associated with either Homo habilis or the later Homo

erectus. The hominids lived close to a shallow, saline, alkaline lake.

There is little evidence of fish being cut up with stone tools at the

Olduvai sites – only a few bone fragments have possible cut marks on them.

However, Stewart says that the species and type of bone characteristic of the

Olduvai fish remains resemble those of remains found at more recent

prehistoric sites in Africa.



Answered by nancychaterjeestar29


A hunter-gatherer is a human living a lifestyle in which most or all the food is obtained by the foraging (gathering edible wild plants) and hunting (pursuing and killing of the wild animals, including catching fish), in the same way that most natural omnivores do. Hunter-gatherer societies stand in contrast to more sedentary agricultural societies, which rely mainly on cultivating crops and raising domesticated animals for food production, although boundaries between the two ways of living are not completely distinct.

Hunting and gathering was humanity's original and the most enduring successful competitive adaptation in natural world, occupying at least 90 percent of the human history. Following invention of agriculture, hunter-gatherers who did not change were displaced or conquered by the farming or pastoralist groups in most parts of world. However, division between the two is no longer presumed to be the fundamental marker in human history, and there is not necessarily the hierarchy which places agriculture and industry at the top as the goal to be reached.


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