Write about the houses, drains and streets of Harappan cities.
Streets: The roads and streets intersected at right angles, with covered drains along the road. Houses were built on either side of the roads and streets. Drainage System: The drainage system of the Harappan cities was the best known to the world in ancient times. The brickwork prevented the dirty water from leaking.
hope it's helpful
make me brainlliest answer
i)Most of the Harappan towns were divided into two parts- a citadel and a lower town.
ii) Bricks of good quality were used to make houses and public buildings.
iii)There were many wells to provide water in the city.
iv) The streets were wide and constructed in a geometric pattern.
v) The drainage system was very systematic and well-organised. This shows that Harappan towns were well planned.
vi) The Harappan cities had a well-knit system of drains.
vii) The drains were mostly covered and were built properly in straight lines.
viii) Most of the houses had narrow drains which were connected to the streets.
ix) Most of the drains had inspection holes for the purpose of cleaning them regularly.
x) The building of drains was planned properly which was similar to the construction of houses and streets.
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