Biology, asked by Vipin6022, 11 months ago

write about the importance of food


Answered by rishit015

Importance of food in life

1. For energy: Food is the only source of vital energy for the body. Our body functions by utilizing the energy from food. Food acts as fuel to generate energy in the mitochondria. Glucose from the food interacts with the oxygen we breathe. This leads to a process called oxidative phosphorylation which generate energy in the form of ATP. Carbon dioxide and water molecules are formed as bye products of the above mechanism. Importance of food for growth

2. For body shape and form: Food gives shape and form to the body. The food contains proteins which provide amino acids on digestion. These amino acids in the body act to build body cells and other tissues to maintain shape and function.

3. For Bodybuilding. To those who go for the gym and another strenuous exercise for bodybuilding, need protein. So gym instructors advice those practicing to consume a high diet containing foods. For this protein-rich food like pulses, milk, egg and meat are recommended to help build enough muscles.

4. As medicine. Food is also a type of medicine.

In many cases, food is needed for cure. For instance when one is feeling sick, if he eats sufficient food, his immunity boosts up and he feels relieved from cough, cold-like symptoms to a recognizable extent. Even in most diseases or infections, patients become weak and weak as they have stopped or reluctant to have food.

Nutrition deficiency diseases. These are sort of diseases wherein lack of food or excess food causes the disorder.

In acidity, one of the best technique to overcome acidity is to have a small quantity of food at frequent short intervals.

5. For drugs to act: Drugs act well when taken with sufficient food. Food gives strength to the body to accommodate a drug safely and also metabolize it after its action in the body.

Without food, drugs fail to overcome some diseases like tuberculosis, sunstroke, gastric ulcers, skin diseases, muscle pains, etc. Many oil-soluble drugs get absorbed well in the presence of fatty food etc.

Lack of sufficient diet along with administration of drugs leads to many problems like drug accumulation, development of resistance to the drug by microbes, etc. This is because the food is an enzyme inducer, i.e., it helps generate sufficient enzymes in the liver to metabolize the toxic drugs. Thus on metabolism drugs become more water soluble and get excreted from urine.

6. To overcome stress. Many people under stress neglect food. But interestingly the same food can relieve stress. So if you find someone having stress, ask him to consume food sufficiently and you will see that he feels a bit relieved from stress.

7. To overcome disease or disorder. Food is an important parameter in diseases like wound healing, bone fractures, inflammation, colds. During a wound, bone fracture or inflammation, consuming sufficient diet helps to overcome the pain and inconvenience during the healing process.

8. For mental confidence: A person who eats a healthy is food is mentally more confident. Food gives positive outlook to life. A feeling of well being and a desire to enjoy life.

Just notice a kid or even you pet animals. Once they have sufficient diet, their next move would be to play or go for sound sleep. Both of the moves like playing or going to sleep are enjoyments to life. They are stress busters and enhance the health.

9. For better relationships: Food is one of the aspect where people can come together and spend quality time, If you want your friends or colleagues to come together and open up about themselves, food is one of the major factors. If you organize a dinner party, everyone would like to attend it and enjoy it to the fullest. In doing so good relations build up between the guest and hosts in most cases.

10. For sustenance of natural life: This is a scientific basis for role of food in environment. Plants produce food in the form of fruits, cereals, nuts etc. This serves two purposes like

a) It provides food to the whole of food chain

b) For propagation of plants and other living beings.

Every fruits or nuts formed by plants have seeds in them. Supposing you eat a mango, then you will discard the seed at a distant place from the mother tree. When the seed reaches soil, it grows into a new mango plant away from the mother. Thus food helps in propagating the plants all over the earth.

Similarly, the animals in food chain also grow in a systematic fashion like when plants form flowers, the insects give rise to larva. Because, the insects can feed their larva with nectar. At the same time, the birds hatch their eggs to give birth to their young ones. They do so just at the same time because, they can feed their young ones with sufficient insect larva. So, the food helps in propagation of life and also its sustenance.

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