Biology, asked by sirgauravGaurab3852, 11 months ago

Write about the key characteristics of Solanaceae?


Answered by NidhraNair
hello ☺

One of the major groups of angiosperms is the nightshade or potato family, Solanaceae, which contains nearly 3,000 species !!!!!!!

thank you
Answered by Anonymous



. Habit

  • Mostly annula or perennial herbs .Some are shrub.(Cestrum sps)

.Root system

  • Tap root system.


  • It is aerial , erect and mostly herbaceous.
  • Stem is an underground tuber in Solanum tuberosum (Potato).
  • Bicollateral vascular bundles are present in the stem.

. Leaves

  • Leaves are existipulate, petiolate and show alternate phyllotaxy.
  • They are simole or rarely pinnately compound leaf with reticulate venation.


. Inflorescence

  • It is usually Cymose type.
  • It may be terminal or axillary in position.
  • In some species of Solanum , it is an axillary.
  • In Dature , it is solitary and terminal , panicle in tobacco.

⭐. Flower

  • The flowers are bracteate or ebracteolate , pedicillate, actinomorphic, complete, bisexula, pentamerous, hypogynous.

. Calyx

  • It consists of 5 sepals which are fused (gamosepalous ) and persistent (Capsicum, Solanum ).
  • The aestivation is valvate.


  • It consists of 5 petals and is gamopetalous .
  • The aestivation is valvet or twisted.

. Androecium

  • There are 5 epipetalous stamens alternating with the petals.
  • Anthers are dithecous, basifixed and intorse.
  • The dehiscence may be longitudnal(Datura) or porous (Solanum).

. Gynoecium

  • The ovary is superior, bicarpellary and syncarpous.
  • It is oblique in position due to the tilting of posterior carpel.
  • Carpels are arranged obliquely at 45 degree .
  • The style is terminal and stigma is capitate.

. Pollination

  • Flowers are usually protandrous.
  • But some species of Solanum are protogynous.
  • Cross pollination through insects (entomophily) is common.


  • The fruits are mostly berry(Capsicum , solanum, Lycopersicon, Physalis etc.,) .
  • Some are capsule (Datura and Nicotina)

. Seed

  • The seeds are endospermic and dicotyledonous

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