write about the. male reproductive system?
Most of the male reproductive system is located outside of the man’s abdominal cavity or pelvis. The external structures of the male reproductive system are the penis, the scrotum and the testicles.
Penis — The penis is the male organ for sexual intercourse. It has three parts: the root, which attaches to the wall of the abdomen; the body, or shaft; and the glans, which is the cone-shaped end of the penis. The glans, which also is called the head of the penis, is covered with a loose layer of skin called foreskin. (This skin is sometimes removed in a procedure called circumcision.) The opening of the urethra, the tube that transports semen and urine, is at the tip of the glans penis.
Semen, which contains sperm, is expelled (ejaculated) through the end of the penis when the man reaches sexual climax (orgasm). When the penis is erect, the flow of urine is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be ejaculated at orgasm.
Scrotum — The scrotum is the loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs behind the penis. It contains the testicles (also called testes), as well as many nerves and blood vessels.
Testicles (testes) — The testes are oval organs about the size of very large olives that lie in the scrotum, secured at either end by a structure called the spermatic cord.
Epididymis — The epididymis is a long, coiled tube that rests on the backside of each testicle..
the male reproductive system includes the penis , scrotum, testes epididimis, bad deference , prostate, and seminal vesicles . the peins and the urethra are part of the urinary and reproductive system