Biology, asked by bannichari245, 6 months ago

Write about the process of transporting gases through blood ?​


Answered by ankitjeti777


Explain how gases are transported in the body

Once the oxygen diffuses across the alveoli, it enters the bloodstream and is transported to the tissues where it is unloaded, and carbon dioxide diffuses out of the blood and into the alveoli to be expelled from the body. Although gas exchange is a continuous process, the oxygen and carbon dioxide are transported by different mechanisms.

Transport of Oxygen in the Blood

Although oxygen dissolves in blood, only a small amount of oxygen is transported this way. Only 1.5 percent of oxygen in the blood is dissolved directly into the blood itself. Most oxygen—98.5 percent—is bound to a protein called hemoglobin and carried to the tissues.


Hemoglobin, or Hb, is a protein molecule found in red blood cells (erythrocytes) made of four subunits: two alpha subunits and two beta subunits (Figure 1). Each subunit surrounds a central heme group that contains iron and binds one oxygen molecule, allowing each hemoglobin molecule to bind four oxygen molecules. Molecules with more oxygen bound to the heme groups are brighter red. As a result, oxygenated arterial blood where the Hb is carrying four oxygen molecules is bright red, while venous blood that is deoxygenated is darker red.

Answered by KaurSukhvir


Transport of gases through blood:-

Oxygen transport:-

  • Oxygen is transported through the blood by erythrocytes. Erythrocytes contains a metalloprotein known as hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is composed of four subunits with a ring-like structure. Each subunit is containing one iron atom bound to a molecule of Heme group.
  • Each Heme group binds one oxygen molecule. So each hemoglobin molecule binds up to four oxygen molecules. Saturated hemoglobin is that in which all of the Heme units are bound to oxygen.
  • When the partial pressure of oxygen increases, the tendency of  hemoglobin to bind with oxygen increases.

Carbon dioxide transport:-

  • There are three different mechanisms for transportation of Carbon dioxide through blood:-
  1. In the form of bicarbonate,
  2. As carbaminohemoglobin
  3. Simply dissolved CO₂  form
  • For exhalation, the carbon dioxide is transported largely in the form of bicarbonate .  Formation of Bicarbonates ions by the dissociation of carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is formed by the combination reaction of carbon dioxide with water in the presence of carbonic anhydrase enzyme.
  • As the bicarbonate level rises, it is exchanged with the chloride ions by travelling through the membrane into the plasma. This mechanism is called chloride shift.
  • Bicarbonate reenters erythrocytes in exchange for chloride ions, reversing the reaction with carbonic anhydrase So, there is  forming carbon dioxide and water. CO₂ Carbon dioxide diffuses into the air through the respiratory membrane.

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