Write about the unusual animal or thing you have seen so far.
We know travel plans are impacted right now. But to fulfill your wanderlust, we'll continue to share stories that can inspire your next adventure.
Scientists have estimated that there are 8.7 million animal species on Earth. Some of these are fierce (lions, sharks, tigers). Some are adorable (rabbits, deer, otters).
And others are, well, really weird.
Across the globe, you'll find unique animals that exhibit truly remarkable and bizarre features and behaviors. From a frog that shows off its organs to a goat that faints when scared, here are 50 unusual animals to add to your travel bucket list now.
o shock here: The shoebill stork has, well ... a bill shaped like a shoe.
Also of note about this amazing animal? Shoebills are abnormally tall, with some individuals reaching heights of over 4 feet. And, unlike many others birds who inhabit similar marsh environments, shoebills are highly effective predators. Their long legs are perfect for traversing shallow waters, where they prey on reptiles, rodents and fish. They are even known to strike against juvenile crocodiles!
Shoebills use their powerful beaks to grasp and strangle just about anything they encounter, but don’t worry – they don’t prey on humans. Find one in East Africa, where their habitat is concentrated.