Science, asked by DaIncredible, 10 months ago

Write about topic => "PLASTICS"

Topic should cover MAIN points ::

1. What is plastic? [SCIENCE PART]
2. How can we reduce usage of PLASTICS?
3. What changes you think it can bring in your life if we stop using plastics?
4. Merits and Demerits:mab:
5. Something new in discovery of plastics or anything new in this?
6. Any bad or good experience of yours with plastic?

These are the points or the outline for your content you can write extra too



Answered by sanjeevkush

ANSWER:-A plastic is one of the manufactured thing which is artificial in nature . Plastic is made up of :- Coal, lime, rock and salt along with hydrogen ,nitrogen, oxygen and chlorine atoms are mixed to make plastic.Actually it is a non-biodegradable thing.

Plastics are used to make many things like :- comb, glasses cover , switch board and many more.

Generally of two types:-

i) Thermoplastics :- Those plastics which can be repeatedly heated any moulded into another shape .

ii) Thermosetting:-Those plastics which cannot be moulded again if heated and moulded for first time . After first moulding it becomes hard and thus after this it cannot be changed .

•Fact:- Leo Hendrik Baekeland discovered this plastic .


ANSWER:- Of course we know that it is very difficult to make world plastic free or reducing usage as they usually are in use in almost all things from a small ball to a big rocket .
To avoid it we should :-

=> Use jute bags and other biodegradable matter made bags which is good and friendly for nature.

=>Give present waste plastic in home for recycling , as well as stopping its manufacture.

=>Whenever you buy bread from any baking shop then take the bread in paper.

=> Avoid plastic straws.

=>Whenever taking snacks or bulk food never use polythene bags,carry out you jute or cloth bag and take.

=>Reusing the plastic ,so that plastic manufacture will be decreased .

=> Reducing plastic covers on books and notebooks and using paper cover.

These points are my opinion to reduce plastic .

•Fact:- First plastic was used to make ball in billiards game .


ANSWER:- With this extra usage of plastic in almost everything ,it seems impossible to imagine a world without plastic. We should remove plastic as beside it's use and advantage we should not forget that it is :-
i)A Non-biodegradable matter.
ii) A pollutant .
If we became successful to stop using plastic then , a huge change will occur in our earth .

=> Rate of pollution of world will be decreased a lot

=>Cleanliness will be spreading all around world .

=> As we know that plastic spoils the underground water when it goes into soil which affects human life . That thing will not occur safe and clean water will be provided to us .

=> If our world is pollution free means we will get clean water to drink and pure oxygen to breathe which means our health develops a lot and life limit will be extended .

=> Without pollution we can also enjoy our life .

•Fact:- Does anyone know that due to extra manufacturing of plastic it is used nowadays in chips and many other snacks .So we should avoid these things.



=> This can be moulded into any shape.
=>Very light but very strong .
=> Resistant to many weather conditions .
=> Free from rust .
=> Poor conductor of heat and electricity or insulators .
=> Free from worms attack.
=> Doesn't spoil easily.
=> Long lasting .

=>Causes land pollution by affecting fertility of land when decomposed.

=> Anyhow once entered in our body it accumulates chemicals in our body which in not good .

=> Spoils water by spoiling groundwater and also sea water by which many marine animals are affected .

=> When thrown here and there animals eat them which is very toxic for them .

=> When burnt also leads to release of chemicals causing air pollution which may lead to respiratory problems to all living creatures.

•Fact:- Nowadays plastic are made more stronger and even used in dentist clinic to fix it in place of teeth.

5)New discovery in plastic or something new in this ??

Any new discovery about plastic . Is there? Yes ,very important discovery is there.
Scientists have recently found a bacteria which is capable to eating plastics . How good it is. This discovery not only decrease number of plastics but also decrease pollution rate which is very good for environment. Thus we can use plastics also as well as pollution rate will not increase .

6) Any good or bad experience in your life with plastic ??

Bad experience ::
One of my neighbour boy who is 8 years old. As we all know that today's chips and lays etc. packets are containing harmful plastic. Since he is fond of these things to eat .Every two days he used to eat these things . After two months some worms produced in his stomach and caused serious problems in that . We have also seen x -ray of stomach which is completely damaged and is not capable to eat anything accept liquid substances . I felt very sorry when I got to hear this .
So this is one of my bad experience in life regarding plastic.


Answered by ana205

Hi guys! This is Pooja of 8th standard and here’s my amswer

1. Definition of PLASTIC – Derived from the word ‘PLASTIKOS ‘,they are the material(s) made from a wide range of polymers such as polyethylene, PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) , nylon, etc., To be more precise, they are those pollutants which are made artificially and are non-biodegradable. Yet, we can find plastics nearly everywhere! For example, the cover on your phone, the buttons on your shirt, your water bottle, your pen, your keyboard and mouse, etc. Thus, we can draw a conclusion here that plastics play a vital role in our day to day lives.

Types of plastics –

i) Thermoplastics: - Those plastics which can be repeatedly molded into another shape.

ii) Thermosetting:-Those plastics which cannot be molded again if heated and are molded for once.

2. Reducing the use of plastics around- Although plastics play an important role in our lives, there are some reasons for which we shouldn’t use them. Here are some methods to reduce their usage –

(i) Starting from our home –

A) Use paper covers on your notebooks

B) Avoid plastic straws

C) Use steel or copper water bottles

D) Carry a paper/cloth/jute bag at shopping

E) Pack your lunch in steel containers

(ii) At National/International level –

A)lnstalling more and more plastic recycling centers

B)Limiting the production of plastic bags

C)Spreading the awareness about the harmfulness of plastics

3. What changes you think it can bring in your life if we stop using plastics - WHAT if I told you that every single piece of plastic ever made still exists somewhere in the world today?

Would you still opt to eat your lunch with that takeaway knife and fork? Would you still ask to have your groceries double-bagged at the supermarket, knowing that it could end up in the belly of a bird, or in the gut of a whale?

And now, since I’ve told you, imagine how many animals and this never ending pollution could be stopped! For me, or to be precise to ‘us’ the following changes will occur if we stop using plastics –

1. Save our lovely animals

2. Save our mother nature

3. Build a healthy plastic free life

4. Decrease pollution

5. Cleanliness will be spreading all around world

4. Merits and demerits –

Merits –

A) It’s cheap

B) Its readily available

C) Plastics are light weight

D) They are also wrinkle resistant

E) They are used for insulation of heat and electricity

Demerits –

A) It is the major of cancer in human body

B) The process of recycling is costly

C) Burning of plastics produces carbon monoxide, which when inhaled, can be fatal

D) Marine Animals highly suffer when we the throw and Dump plastic materials in the sea

E) It is so much durable that it lasts forever. Moreover is non biodegradable and thus pollutes our environment

5. Something new in the discovery of plastics or anything new in this –

i. Due to pollution of my city, i.e Bhubaneshwar, the government of odisha has banned the usage of plastic carry bags there… now shops are being provided with cloth bags and now people are being requested to bring their own tiffins to carry food.

ii. Ooho - The Edible Water Bob Aims to Replace Plastic Bottles! Ooho! was one of 12 winners at the second annual Lexus Design Awards 2014, developed by Skipping Rocks Lab designers Rodrigo García Gonzalez, Pierre Pasalier, and Guillaume Couche.. But unfortunately, it is not introduced in India…..

iii. Species, that can eat polyurethane (a subset of plastics) is Pestalotiopsis microspora. This species in its natural habitat is endopyhtic, meaning it lives as a symbiote inside plants.

iv. Also, there is a fungi called 'Mutarium mushroom' that only eats plastic. and this mushroom, is completely non toxic and can be flavored! And who knows, that this could be the future of how we will be producing foods...

v. There is a new microorganism called 'Ideonella sakaiensis'., a bacteria that is capable breaking down PET plastic

6. Any bad or good experience of yours with plastic – Well, by the concept of recycling and ‘crafts’, me and my friend had once created a project on e – waste system… its one of the most memorable projects of my life…. Also, people are getting new faces after plastic surgery, just like my Uncle’s elder son got! Seeing animals dying after eating plastics and our nearby environment getting polluted is something that I regret……

Before ending here, a huge thanks to you for asking such a wonderful question

Thanks !

#BeBrainly !

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