write about vandemataram movement
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- vandemataram movement is also called swadeshi movement. 2.it was anti - bengal partition movement. 3.the partition was announced by july 4,1905 and came into force on 16 oct ,1905. 4. Tilak declared ''swaraj is me birth right''. 5. Extremists spread the movement of entire india.
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The second Swadeshi Movement is also known as Vandemataram Movement. It all started after the partition of Bengal that done by Lord Curzon back in 1905. Vandematram Movement is known to be the strongest and successful Pre-Gandhian movement in India during the British rule.
Some of the main activities of Swadeshi movement were
- boycotting British products
- Revival of domestic products
- Improving production processes
Some of the chief leaders of the movement were
Balagangadar Tilak
Aurobindo Ghosh
Lala lajpat Rai
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