English, asked by nunushimrei, 8 months ago

write about your culture and how does culture help us to be civillized​


Answered by Waniiqra1234


Most recent answer

8th Aug, 2019

Hossein Naderi-Manesh

Tarbiat Modares University

culture is what we are and civilization is what we possess, in other word culture is an end and civilization is a mean


2 Recommendations

Popular Answers (1)

27th Jan, 2012

Mukund Hambarde

National Informatics Centre

Culture is the set of values that shapes the behavior of the society at different levels while civilization is apparent in the physical development in form of man-made environment. Culture is the mind of society and civilization is the body.


10 Recommendations

All Answers (82)

Deleted profile

A culture can be generalised - Anglo Saxon culture (as the French would say) - and found over a wide area and historical period. A civilisation has a more specific temporal and territorial unity - French civilisation - focussed on urban rather than rural society.


1 Recommendation

27th Jan, 2012

Mukund Hambarde

National Informatics Centre

Culture is the set of values that shapes the behavior of the society at different levels while civilization is apparent in the physical development in form of man-made environment. Culture is the mind of society and civilization is the body.


10 Recommendations

27th Jan, 2012

Mukund Hambarde

National Informatics Centre

Any society and any geographical area has both culture and civilization at the same time. When a value-set is prominant compared to physical scenario we prefer to use the term culture viz. Vedic Culture. When the value-set is not much prominent or less known but the physical development is apparent very prominently we use the term Civilization viz. Indus Valley civilization.

Yet both the terms are insufficient to express themselves as compared to Indian words viz. Sanskriti and Sabhyata.


3 Recommendations

3rd Feb, 2012

Milo Gardner

California State University, Chico

Civilization is a general term that refers to a large body of knowledge. Western Civilization connects the present to the Classical Greeks, and to some the1,500 year older Egyptian and Babylonian narratives and origins of writing. Culture refers to specific economic and political relationship and time periods. Classical Greeks, for example, formed several cultures, each identified by political leaders, i.e Alexander the Great, a culture that extended to four generals ... one being Ptolemy ... and four regions of the Classical Greek world.and so forth. Classical Greek cultures contained the same form of mathematics that merged with Egyptian fraction math as the Hibeh Papyrus reported Greeks living in Egypt, with one foot in each culture. . the best known was Cleopatra's Egypt that fell to Rome. Roman culture ended around 400 AD

The same is true concerning the mother civilizations of India. Narratives connect the Indus Valley and Sanskrit links to the beginning of writing.. Vedic cultures are dated to certain sub-narratives and shorter periods of time. Vedic cultures contained unique class of mathematics, astronomy and unique scientific and religious narratives.


Answered by mraju953300


n addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits. With improved learning and health, increased tolerance, and opportunities to come together with others, culture enhances our quality of life and increases overall well-being for both individuals and communities.

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