Write about your Sunday routine.
8AM: My Sunday’s usually start with the sound of a snooze alarm… I’m one of those people who even when I have nothing to get up for, will still set an alarm… and, to be honest, although I’m not usually a morning person Monday to Friday, for some reason when it’s the weekend I either want to be up super early and making the most of it, or my body clock decides that actually today is the day that it feels wide awake at 7AM – why oh why!
9AM: After all the snoozing, I’ll usually get up and drag myself into the kitchen to make something to either watch in front of Netflix, or take back to bed. I KNOW, don’t worry, I do leave my pillows at some point during this post, just not ~quite~ yet… 10AM: Okay, we might not be quite out of PJ’s yet but we’re getting there…. I love having a ‘lil “catch up” time on Sundays, it’s usually in the morning with a cuppa or during the evening with a cheeky cocktail – but taking the time to catch up on the blogs that I love, flick through a magazine I’ve bought that week, or listen to that podcast I’m loving right now, is just SO important.
11AM: WHeyyyy it’s pamper time. I’m all for a Sunday bath, the more bubbles the better (!) Sunday is usually the day where I’m like “Babe this is your time, put that face mask on, exfoliate ya body and use that bath bomb ‘cause we’ve got a busy week ahead of us”. Yes, I did just refer to myself in the third person…12PM: By this point, I’m usually all fresh and feeling clean and ready for a ‘lil skincare sesh… As you know I’ve been using, loving and obsessing over all things Botanics atm. The range has very quickly become my go-to. It’s crazy affordable, works wonders AND has so many products to choose from that I’m forever wanting to try ~just~ one more…
So, today I wanted to introduce you to two of my faves right now. Firstly, lets talk moisturiser – this one is from the ‘Hydration’ range and is all you need for the winter months to come. Packed full of goodness, it’s perfect if your skin is feeling extra dehydrated. It’s non-greasy lightweight formula will leave you feeling moisturised, fresh and ready for the day. Yesss plzzz!
Secondly, we’ve got to talk about this eye cream from the ‘Organic’ range… I have no idea why, or where it’s come from, but I have a huge obsession with anything eye cream//roll-on related right now. I think it’s partly because using them seriously does wake me up in the mornings, but also my eye area can get mega dry and these babies are working wonders. This one’s super nourishing, not too thick AND leaves your skin feeling fabuloussss! You really do only need the teeniest bit, and voila (!!), dry skin no more!
If you fancy reading a little more about the collection you can in my last post >> here << and you can find the entire range at Boots >> here << ! Let me know which one is your fave!1PM: Okay, by 1PM I’m usually FINALLY dressed and ready for the day… Although not promising that the day consists of doing anything more than watching Netflix and doing a food shop, but that aside I’m ready! It’s kinda as if Sundays have an entire uniform of their own, the ~it’s got to be comfy enough to eat this entire roast the size of my head and then fall asleep on the sofa~ kinda uniform…. but I’m totally happy with that, the bigger and comfier the jumper the better!
7:00am getting up
7_8:00am brushing, bathing, breakfast etc..
8:00am_1:00 pm church
1:00_2:00 grand Maa
2:00_5:00 h/ws
5:00_7:00 outing and dinner
7:00_8:00 watching TV
9:00_10:00 pm chatting,playing
10:15 sleeping