History, asked by daman9205, 1 year ago

Write about Yun Fu So


Answered by 2323ishan
Yun Fu received the BEng degree in information engineering and the MEng
degree in pattern recognition and intelligence systems from the Xian Jiaotong University, China, and the MS degree in statistics and the PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, respectively. Prior to joining the Northeastern faculty in 2012, he was a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, State University of New York, Buffalo, during 2010-2012.
His research interests are machine learning, computer vision, social media
analytics, and big data mining. He has extensive publications in leading
journals, books/book chapters, and international conferences/workshops. He
serves as associate editor, chairs, PC member, and reviewer of many top
journals and international conferences/workshops. He received five Young
Investigator Awards (2016 IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award, 2015
National Academy of Engineering US Frontiers of Engineering, 2014 ONR
Young Investigator Award, 2014 ARO Young Investigator Award, 2014 INNS
Young Investigator Award), five Best Paper Awards (SIAM SDM 2014, IEEE
FG 2013, IEEE ICDM-LSVA 2011, IAPR ICFHR 2010, IEEE ICIP 2007),
two Industrial Research Awards (2015 Adobe Faculty Research Award, 2010
Google Faculty Research Award), two Service Awards (2012 IEEE TCSVT
Best Associate Editor, 2011 IEEE ICME Best Reviewer), etc. He is currently
an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Leaning
Systems (TNNLS), and IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video
Technology (TCSVT). He is a lifetime member of ACM, AAAI, SPIE, OSA,
and IMS; member of GYA, INNS and Beckman Graduate Fellow during 2007-2008. He is a senior member of the IEEE and ACM.
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