Write advantages of Pressure?Give three examples
Here are 3 advantages of pressure.
It saves time. Parkinson's Law states that “work expands to fill the time available for its completion”. ...
It makes us focus. It makes us hone in on the one thing that must be done at a given moment in time. ...
It preserves our interest.
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I’ve been told by friends who cook that there is a device called a pressure cooker and that this pressure cooker has advantages over the everyday pots and pans they also tell me exist. If you know me, you know that the neighborhood is safer if I avoid all kitchen activities, so I will take their word on this matter.
From what I have learned, a pressure cooker can help tenderize a tough cut of meat, cook food faster, preserve nutrients, save time and energy costs, and even preserve food. It operates on the idea of “concentrated cooking” where everything is contained within the pan during cooking and very little moisture escapes via a release valve on the top. Now, it will make a lot of noise, like it’s going to explode, but it seldom happens because there is a safety valve on the pan as well.
What does this have to do with business?
Well…just about everything. Business is high pressure these days. There are tough competitors, tough markets, and tough expectations. Leading a business, large or small, is not for the faint of heart.
But there’s one thing I’ve learned from business and from my friends who cook: pressure can be a good thing.