Physics, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

write all limitations of Ohm's law.​


Answered by jeyadurai1974

1. This law is valid to conductors only at constant temprature. The resistance of a conductor increases with the increase in its temperature. Hence, the V-I graph for a conductor would not be a straight line.

2. Insulators do not conduct electricity at all, so the Ohm's law is not applicable to the insulators in some cases.

3. Ohm's law is also not applicable for the semiconductors, as the material begins to conduct at certain voltage which will give a steep rise to V-I graph and make it non-linear.

4. This law is not applicable to the unilateral networks(has elements such as diode or transistors etc; which do not have same voltage current).

Limitations of this law:

Now, this law is valid for conductors only and that too at a constant temperature. The resistance of a conductor increases with temperature. Hence, for changing temperature the V-I graph for a conductor will be non-linear (not a straight line).

In case of insulators ohm’s law is not followed at all, insulators do not conduct at all. But, when a very high voltage is applied across an insulator dielectric break down occurs and all of a sudden current begins to flow.

Ohm’s law is not followed by semiconductors. The V-I graph has a steep rising at a particular voltage, which indicates that the material begins to conduct properly only after a certain voltage.

I think it's correct

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Answered by akhilkumarp1508


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