write all the attributes of the image tag
Attribute Value Description
alt text Specifies an alternate text
for an image crossorigin anonymous
use-credentials Allow images from third-party sites that allow cross-origin access to be used with canvas
height pixels Specifies the height of an image
ismap ismap Specifies an image as a server-side image-map
longdesc URL Specifies a URL to a detailed description of an image
referrerpolicy no-referrer
unsafe-url Specifies which referrer to use when fetching the image
sizes sizes Specifies image sizes for different page layouts
src URL Specifies the URL of an image
srcset URL Specifies the URL of the image to use in different situations
usemap #mapname Specifies an image as a client-side image-map
width pixels Specifies the width of an image
src, alt, you can add the width or height