write all the options and their functions in Edd Menu
EDD uses 4 different pages to process different parts of the transaction process. When you install EDD it creates them for you, but you can change them on the General Settings page. Keep in mind these are simply plain WordPress Pages with specific shortcodes in them. If you want something other than the default, simply create it, put the shortcode on it, and choose it from the General Settings page.
Checkout Page
This is the checkout page where buyers will complete their purchases. The [download_checkout] short code must be on this page.
Success Page
This is the page buyers are sent to after completing their purchases. The [edd_receipt] short code should be on this page.
Failed Transaction Page
This is the page buyers are sent to if their transaction is cancelled or fails
Purchase History Page
This page shows a complete purchase history for the current user, including download links. This page requires either the [purchase_history] OR [download_history] shortcode.
Login Redirect Page
This option provides a list of existing Pages. A chosen page becomes the destination after a user logs in using a form created by [edd_login].
Location Settings
EDD asks two questions about location for the purposes of making it easier for your customers to get through the checkout form. These location options are set as default in the checkout page. NOTE: if the customer has a saved profile with a different location, that location with over-ride anything you may save here.
Base Country
This is the country you anticipate most of your customers coming from, NOT necessarily where you are, or where it's hosted.
Base State / Province
Like Country, this is where you think most of your customers will be coming from.