write all the possible numbers between 800 and 900 which have 6 in the tens place
Number of palindromes between 800 to 900: First digit has only one possibility since it can't occupy other than “8”. Second digit has ten
There are two basic principles of counting:
1. The fundamental principle of counting is to assume that an event X can happen in n different ways and another event Y can happen in m different ways. The sum of the occurrences of two events is equal to m x n.
2.Addition principle: The occurrence of events X or Y is equal to m + n when event X occurs in m different ways and event Y occurs in n different ways and neither event can occur simultaneously.
800 and 900 which have 6 in the tens place
Write all the possible numbers between 800 and 900 which have 6 in the tens place
Using fundamental principle of counting,
Let there be three places
_ _ _
First place will be filled with 8, so no.of possibilities is 1
Second place will be filled with 6, so no.of possibilities is 1
Third place can be filled with any number, so number of possibilities is 10
So, possible numbers between 800 and 900 which have 6 in the tens place is 1x1x10= 10