Write all the the shortcut keys in computer?
All Shortcut Keys..!!
[1]. Ctrl + A = select all
[2]. Ctrl + B = Bold
[3]. Ctrl + C = Copy
[4]. Ctrl + D = Font dialogue box
[5]. Ctrl + E = Centre paragraph
[6]. Ctrl + F = Find
[7]. Ctrl + G = Go to
[8]. Ctrl + H = Replace
[9]. Ctrl + I = Italic
[11]. Ctrl + J = Justify
[10]. Ctrl + K = Hyperlink
[12]. Ctrl + L = Left alignment
[13]. Ctrl + M = Indent paragraph
[14]. Ctrl + N = New file
[15]. Ctrl + O = Open file
[16]. Ctrl + P = Print
[17]. Ctrl + Q = Reset indent
[18]. Ctrl + R = Right alignment
[19]. Ctrl + S = Save file
[20]. Ctrl + T = Indent Paragraph line
[21]. Ctrl + U = Underline
[22]. Ctrl + V = Paste
[23]. Ctrl + W = Close file
[24]. Ctrl + X = Cut
[25]. Ctrl + Y = Redo
[26]. Ctrl + Z = Undo
Refer to the Attachment.
Hope it Helps !!!!