write an account of the administration of the gonds
The Gond kingdom's administration became centralised. The kingdom was made up of garhs. Each garh was controlled by a Gond clan. The garh was further divided into chaurasi which consisted of 84 villages.
The Gond kingdom's administration became centralised. The kingdom was made up of garhs. Each garh was controlled by a Gond clan. The garh was further divided into chaurasi which consisted of 84 villages.
The Gond kingdom's administration became centralised. The kingdom was made up of garhs. Each garh was controlled by a Gond clan. The garh was further divided into chaurasi which consisted of 84 villages.
The Gond kingdom's administration became centralised. The kingdom was made up of garhs. Each garh was controlled by a Gond clan. The garh was further divided into chaurasi which consisted of 84 villages.