write an algorithm to find out whether the entered two digit number is palindrome or not
A recursive function to find out whether num is palindrome
// or not. Initially, dupNum contains address of a copy of num.
bool isPalUtil(int num, int* dupNum)
// Base case (needed for recursion termination): This statement
// mainly compares the first digit with the last digit
if (oneDigit(num))
return (num == (*dupNum) % 10);
// This is the key line in this method. Note that all recursive
// calls have a separate copy of num, but they all share same copy
// of *dupNum. We divide num while moving up the recursion tree
if (!isPalUtil(num/10, dupNum))
return false;
// The following statements are executed when we move up the
// recursion call tree
*dupNum /= 10;
// At this point, if num%10 contains i'th digit from beiginning,
// then (*dupNum)%10 contains i'th digit from end
return (num % 10 == (*dupNum) % 10);
What is palindrome
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