Hindi, asked by tgg93047, 2 months ago

Write an algorithm to read an integer value for a SCORE and print the appropriate grade on the following: Score Grade 90 or more A Less than 90 but 80 or more B Less than 80 but 70 or more C Less than 70 F​


Answered by st21sun



For (view):

Both science and spirituality study aspects of our world. Both require mental discipline. Both require belief in certain axioms and truths. Hence both are valid. Science is the body. Spirituality is the mind. Science explores the creations of God. Spirituality delves into the nature of God. Both are two sides of the same coin. Both complement each other. It is inevitable therefore that science and spirituality go hand in hand.

Against (counterview):

Science requires factual knowledge. It is a component of millions of physical laws. Spirituality is a free bird that soars on the wings of personal belief.

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