Write an application to the District Health Officer requesting the organization of a Free Medical
Check-Up Camp for needy people in your locality.
Answered Unanswered Visitors to this page also searched for: Invitation letter to minister of health to inaugurate a health exhibition Q Formal letter for medical health officer requesting him to help conduct a health camp for the students? The programme plan to haveThe need to have a team of doctorsRequest help politely OK Ads by Google A Top Solutions Write the heading then the name and position of the medical officer, the body of the letter runs this way The students in our schools want t ... read more (Date) (Name of school principal or person-in-charge) (Title/position of person-in-charge) (Name of school) (Address of school) Subject: H ... read more Add your answer Post to Facebook Post to Twitter Subscribe me Solutions helenombao51 Level 1 (Contributor) 2 Answers, 2 Followers "May i request from your good office to conduct..." 13 Write the heading then the name and position of the medical officer, the body of the letter runs this way The students in our schools want to acquire knowledge and skills on how to help people with illnesses. in this regard, may I request from your good office to conduct a health camp with a team of doctors in the different field of specialization. Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Formal letter for medical health officer requesting him to help conduct a health camp for the students Write a letter to the health officer of your district requesting him to take immediate steps against the spread of cholera in yor village Write letter to health officer requesting him to take immediate steps against the spread of dengue fever in our village Suggested Solutions (10)What's this? broomsfly Level 7 (Professional) 165 Answers, 20 Followers "We are seeking your assistance in making this project..." 62 (Date) (Name of school principal or person-in-charge) (Title/position of person-in-charge) (Name of school) (Address of school) Subject: Health Symposium Dear Mr. (indicate in here the name of the school’s principal or the person-in-charge. If person is a female, you may use Ms.) Good day to you. Our organization, (indicate the name of your organization or society), located at (indicate in here your organization’s office address) was founded in (indicate in here the date your society was founded). Our goals include (indicate in here your organization’s goals) as well as promote a healthy mind and body. To put our mission into actions, our society is holding several health symposiums to instill awareness and educate the community members regarding health issues that can affect their daily lives. In connection with this, we are seeking your assistance in making this project a success by allowing us to conduct a health symposium in your school faculty. Details of the symposium are as follows: (Indicate in here the details of the symposium. Date to be held, agenda, facilitator, guest speaker, target audience and other pertinent information) Should you have any inquiries or if you need additional information, you may reach us at the following contact information: (Indicate the name of the contact person, that person’s title/position, name of organization, office address, the organization’s email address and contact numbers) This symposium will not only benefit the teachers but also the students and their parents as well. We hope that you can join us in this endeavor and we are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Very truly yours, (Your name and signature) (Your title/position)
From. (Name & Addrerss) To (Name & Addrerss). Dear Sir, I kindly request you to grant the permission to conduct health check up in school as you know this reduce the contagious diseases spreadinng to a limit and would enhance the health of the sudents. As this is a health programme conducted in schools for the welfare of students in school, hope you wpoul permit me to do this. I would be grateful to you for the favor. Thanking You! Yours faithfully, Sd/-