Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her for
arranging music classes in school.
Respected Sir, I am very glad to inform you that I am a student of your school in class VIII we are very thankful for yoga class, sports, dancing class, but we have a request for music class. Most of the students from my class are demanding for this. We love to learn music with studying and all activities.
See the format for letter writing in your tb..
The principal
Rampal model school,
Bhajanpura, Delhi.
Subject To start music classes.
Respected sir,
I am student of VIIth A. My roll no is 19. I am the class monitor. We are learning music for last 2 years. But this year we have no music classes as our music teacher has been transferred to another school. In his absence we are unable to practice. All our hard work will go in vain. Zonal music competition is near.
Kindly arrange for a new music teacher and oblige.
Thanking you
Yours obediently