write an application to the principal of your school requesting him to arrange CDs of the science practicals of your class
Class: X - C
ABC School,
22 February, 2019
The Principal
ABC School,
Respected sir,
Subject: Request for arrangement of CD's for practicals.
The students of class X request you to offer compact disks for science practicals of our class in order to help people outside our school in learning the practicals. This is of good notion to help people perform the experiments, who are from remote places and lack facilities to understand the experiments. I hope you would accept our request and give us a positive reply and action.
Thanking You
Yours truly
Rohan Patel
X - 'C'
Class: 8th H
XYZ school,
The principal
XYZ school,
22 Feb 2019
Respected sir,
I am writing this letter to you as a request. I want to request you sir for arranging CDs for our science practicals for our class.
Our 8th class is not having any kind of CDs for any subject practical learning. For developing skills in students, our class is requesting you for making an offer of CD for our class. Students can easily and practically learn from CDs. Last year our class result was better because of only CD practical learning.
Our class is requesting you, because students can be able to learn digitally and students can get the information which is new. Sir, I hope that you will accept my/class request. And you will take an quick action on this topic.
Yours truly,