Write an application to the principal to attend for state level science exhibition
Sector - 35 - A
Date ; July 4th, 2019
The Principal
St. Joseph, Teliarganj
Highway Road, Prayagraj
Subject; To attend the state level science exhibition.
Dear sir:
Through this letter, firstly I want to congratulate you that our projects have been selected for the state level science exhibition. We had been awarded with first place at the district level & now we are called upon for state level competition. So, they had invited all of us. Specially, you being the principal to represent our school through our projects. We are glad till the accomplishments yet & we do faith to get a better place in state level competition. Therefore, I request you to join us their & cheer us up & also so that can represent our school. I & the team shall be thankful.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely,
H- 5Que Exhibition Team