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Random Sampling
Andrew F. Siegel, in Practical Business Statistics (Seventh Edition), 2016
Sampling by Shuffling the Population
Another way to choose a random sample from a population is easily implemented on a spreadsheet program. The idea here is to shuffle the population items into a completely random order and then select as many as you wish. This is just like shuffling a card deck and then dealing out as many cards as are needed.
In one column, list the numbers from 1 through N; there is usually a command for doing this automatically (alternatively, you might list the names of the population units). In the next column, use the random number function to place uniform random numbers from 0 to 1 alongside your first column. Next, sort both columns in order according to the random number column. The result so far is that the population has been thoroughly shuffled into a random ordering. Finally, select the first n items from the shuffled population to determine your sample.
To use Excel to select a random sample of n = 3 from a population of size N = 10, you could type = RAND() in the top cell of the random number column, press Enter, and then copy the result down the column to produce a column of random numbers. After selecting both columns (frame numbers and random numbers, including these headers), use Sort from the Sort & Filter area of Excel’s Data Ribbon, being sure to sort by the random numbers. After the columns are sorted randomly, you may take the first three frame numbers to obtain your random sample, which results in selection of items 8, 6, and 1 in this example because these three had the smallest random numbers associated with them (note that Excel calculates new random numbers after you sort, so your random numbers will not be in order after sorting, but the frame numbers will be sorted according to the random numbers before they were recalculated).
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