write an application to your principal to grant you full fee concession
New Delhi
17th March, 2020
New Horizon High School,
Vikas Puri, New Delhi-18,
Subject: Request for full fee concession on humanitarian ground.
Most respectfully I beg to inform you that I my parents are going through a very difficult time. My father is the only bread earner for a family of four school going children including me. However he has fallen sick and could not attend his work. Our family savings has been exhausted for his medical treatment. So my parents are in great financial problems and it has become impossible for them to pay for my school fees.
I believe in the importance of getting a good education and I don't want to give up my studies. Therefore, I humbly request you to grant me full fee concession for this academic year 2020.
I shall remain ever grateful to you for your act of kindness.
Thanking you,
Yours Student,
Class VII
Roll No 32
write an application to the principal of your college requesting him/her to grant financial help. Give reasons why you deserve the grant.