History, asked by jaswantu1447, 8 months ago

Write an argumentative essay in which you argue wether democracy is profitable to everyone in society or not.


Answered by Anonymous


There are many benefits or arguments that are for democracy; since the ample population is given rights and autonomy. A very important characteristic that leads to being a benefit of democracy is that it allows citizen from all walks of life to participate actively in the political proceedings of their homeland. However, there are arguments against (disadvantages of) democracy also. One of the main defects in the idea of democracy is that the authority given to the masses can also be distorted, made improper use of and become the tyranny of the ample/ majority. This can become a double-crossing issue in democracy.

Benefits of Democracy

It has been noted that most countries in today’s era believe in the ideology of democracy and in its various theories. Some of the most powerful and advanced countries believe in democracy and follow democratic peace theory. Followers of democracy also argue that it is better to have the tyranny of the majority rather than tyranny of the minority. A research by

Diplomatic Changes in the Government

Democracy can offer adjustments in government without antagonism. In a democratic government, power can be moved from one party to another through the method of elections. The authority that is the hands of citizens or general public of a nation makes the decisions for its ruling power.

Avoidance of Monopoly

In addition, any government is restricted to an election term after which it has to compete against other parties to recover supremacy. This mean avoids monopoly of the controlling party. The reigning establishment has to make sure it operates effectively for its citizens as it cannot continue being the power unless the people re-elect the same government to come to term again.

A Sense of Appreciation

This instills a sense of accountability towards the people. The ruling party owes their triumph in winning the elections and coming to authority to the citizens of the country. This brings about a sense of appreciation towards the people. This appreciation can help play a role in the government’s motivation to function for citizens as it is because of the votes and trust of the citizens that the party has power to rule.

Sense of Contribution

An important ‘for-argument’ of democracy is that the people attain a sense of involvement in the process of choosing their administration for their Nation. They acquire the opportunity to speak out their observations and views by the process of voting. This gives rise to a feeling of belonging to the people and they also feel as if they belong to the society and can contribute towards its betterment.

Having an upper hand during war time:

A leading research by Ajin Choi (affiliated by the International Studies Quarterly 2004, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea), says that democracies execute better in the time of war than non-democracies, that is they are more likely to win wars than non-democracies. The author (Ajin Choi) points this chiefly to the simplicity of the policies, and the constancy of their inclinations, due to which they are better able to deal with their partners.

Avoidance of famine:

Followers of democracy quite freely quote the famous economist, Amartya Sen, who believed that no operating democracy has ever managed to damage a large scale famine to affect its people.

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