English, asked by bhavikatejwani18, 1 month ago

write an argumentative paragraph supporting or opposing the unequal treatment of women on 19th century india . Answer in not more than 120 words . use the space provided to ideate​


Answered by MehvishKhan2905

At the beginning of the 19th century, the condition of Indian women was not encouraging.

Several evil practices such as the practice of Sati, the Purdah system, child marriage, female infanticide, bride price and polygamy had made their life quite miserable.

There was no equality between Indian men and women in the educational, social and economic opportunities.

As a result, following were the major issues and debates took place in the 19th century India:

James Mill (1817) and other European writers began constructing a “civilizational critique of India”. They argued:

India was not capable of progress without British help.

Degraded condition of Indian women was an indicator of India’s inferior status in the hierarchy of civilizations.

Consequently, Indian intellectuals began highlighting India’s golden past where women were treated with dignity and honour. They began to equate the concept of motherhood to the concept of motherland.

They also urged to reforms the customs which were distortions of the ancient past and were derogatory for the women

Indian reformers championed such reforms to counter the Western critiques. The British administrators passed such social laws considering it to be ‘white man’s burden to civilize the Indians’.

The British had upheld Hindu and Islamic personal laws. These laws sanctified the rights of the patriarchal family and treated women as second-class citizens in the matters of marriage-divorce, property, succession and adoption.

It was in this area, it appeared as if there was a “broad consensus” between the colonial state and the nationalist male elites to confine women to domesticity and servitude. [क्योकि सती प्रथा नाबूदी कानून के लिए मुहीम चली, लेकिन बेटियों को पैतृक-जायदाद में समान अधिकार के लिए कोई मुहीम नही चली!]

As Indian intellectuals began cherishing India’s glorious past, they used Indian woman’s moral order as the spirit of India. She had to be kept uncontaminated by the ‘polluting influence’ of the West.


Answered by neetuyadav24538


I oppose the unequal treatment of women in the 19th centuary women faced many inequalities and were approssed for example one such ineqality was seen in the condition of widows they were forced to live seperately from the family with basic means of survival thay also urged to reform the custom which were treated of the women

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