English, asked by mrunalisawant5440, 1 year ago

Write an article about increasing crime aginst women


Answered by rekha8191p93bn6
Cases of atrocities against women have been on the rise in the city in the past five years. Statistics complied by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) via the State Crime Records Bureau showed that measures adopted by the State government had failed to yield any positive response.

Incidentally, atrocities against women increased when the overall crime rate in the city showed a downward trend.

As many as 654 cases of atrocities against women were registered in 2013. The figures were 525 (2012); 556 (2011); 425 (2010) and 409 (2009).

Other offences

Cases pertaining to all other offences for the last three years are: 3,447 cases in (2009); 3,455 in 2010; and 3,106 in 2013.

The majority of cases against women related to cruelty by husband or relatives of husband, outraging modesty of women, causing injuries and other offences in the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Protection of Women Domestic Violence Act.

As many as 135 cases were registered under Section 498 (husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty) of the IPC.

More than 30 cases of rape were reported in the city, a majority of them still under investigation and pending trial.

Nine cases of kidnapping have been reported from the city the previous calendar year.

Similarly, cases pertaining to outraging modesty of women have also increased in the city. However, offences such as word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman, eve-teasing and annoying women through obscene acts and songs have decreased.

Murder cases

Two murder cases and a case of abetment of suicide were reported last year.

The total number of offences recorded against property is 336 in 2013 whereas the figure for 2012 was 301.

The figures were 599 in 2009; 613 in 2010 and 425 in 2011.

Property offences are crime pertaining to murder for gain, dacoity, robbery, burglary, housebreaking at day and night, and thefts.

Four cases of dacoity were reported last year.


There were 22 cases of housebreaking during daytime and 86 at night. The number of theft cases reported was 180.

As many as 3,106 cases were registered against people last year.

The figure was 3,455 (2012) and 3447 (2011).

Unlawful assembly

Unlawful assembly and rioting have attributed to these cases.

However the cases have come down. Eleven murders were reported last year. Six cases of culpable homicide and eight kidnapping have found their way into the records.

Answered by SelieVisa


Crime Against Women

The vast majority of crimes against women go unnoticed and unreported. There is no proper data on crimes against women and information on the subject are conflicting. The fear of social stigma and the uncertainty of getting justice are the main reasons why most of the crimes against women go unreported.

Crime against women have created a poor image of India among foreign countries. Millions of foreign tourists visit India every year and this has directly affected the tourism industry. It is a matter of great shame that when our country is marching towards prosperity and advancement, the barbaric acts against women are on the rise.

Crimes against women are increasing. Stringent measures need to be taken to curb this and safeguard women. The government, the law enforcement agencies and the general public must unite to put an end to violence against women.

The Government must also pass and implement more strict laws than the existing ones for the safety of women.

The Government must form special police cells with women officers and other police personnel to receive reports about crime against women and take severe actions against the culprits. 

More women need to be recruited into our police forces.

Our political leaders, irrespective of their party affiliations should show political will and conviction to deal severely with those guilty of crimes or acts of inhumanity against women.

Let us not forget that the greatness of a nation is known by the way it treats women.

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