write an article duties of Students
Student must be punctual and regular as well and should pay proper and continuous attention towards his final goal. Student should be considered equally important on all subject and It is the moral duty of every learner that he should provide proper respect and reverence to his teachers. So In this Article I will explain about duties of a Good student.
Duties of student
It is universal reality that all of us have been created by the sole creator of this universe, Almighty Allah.one man leads different roles in one's life. One of them is the role as a student. This age period is considered the golden period of man's life. As it is well known that this period demands some special duties for the success of student. Some important obligations of student are describe in the coming lines.
Punctual and regular
Firstly a student must be punctual and regular as well 'because if these qualities are present in him 'then he would be able to bring himself on the victory stand. But if this is not so then .he would never get success in his lifetime is precious thing so student should value it.
Proper and continuous
Every student should pay proper and continuous attention towards his final goal. Only now breaking effort would become the key to success' contrary, if there are off and on studies then the result would be in the form of failure.
Equal Importance on every subject
Every subject should be considered equally important by a student. The final result card would be the arrogates of marks all subject not one or to so every subject plays it role in the division.
Teacher Respect
It is the moral duty of every learner that he should provide proper respect and reverence to his teachers. These are the only teacher who lift him from earth to sky from zero to hero from darkness to light from ignorance to knowledge from unknown to known and above all from man to crown of creation.
But if the student is away from this merit then he can't be declared and true student.
Complete their homework
Every student is bond complete him home assignments and notebook with in time. If these things are completed' then the result would be negative in the form of repentance of a student. But these removers would be useless.as you have heard.
'It is useless to cry spilt milk '
Role and regulation
The discipline is common is method for the best result reputation or fame of the institution. The role and regulation of the Institution should be followed strictly.
Good Friends
It is prime duty of every should that he should have good company of friends to whom he may study and consult the different educational problems. It is the common fact that him company would be his identity. We all know a man is known by the company he keeps. And other vital factor is that a student should provide equal heed to practical as well as theory. On of these should be ignored. He should also be the matchless model of others follow.
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