English, asked by djnv, 1 year ago

write an article for the school magazine in about 150-200 words. Humour is the best way to resolve conflict or examination paves for success.


Answered by adityammondal
“A sense of humor is part of the art of leadership, of getting along with people, of getting things done.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

Tasteful humor is a key to success at work, but there’s a good chance your co-workers aren’t cracking jokes or packaging information with wit on a regular basis–and your office could probably stand to have a little more fun.

“Humor, by its nature, tends to have an edge to it, so people typically tone it down at work,” says Laura Vanderkam, author of What the Most Successful People Do at Work (Portfolio, 2013), and What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast (Portfolio, 2012). “It’s hard to do well and easy to do badly. Plus, we all have a tendency to take ourselves way too seriously.”

Michael Kerr, an international business speaker, president of Humor at Work, and author of The Humor Advantage: Why Some Businesses are Laughing all the Way to the Bank (Dec. 2013), says the amount or type of humor you’ll find in any given workplace depends almost entirely on the culture. “In workplaces that encourage people to be themselves–that are less hierarchical and more innovative–people tend to be more open with their humor,” he says. “Even people who aren’t always comfortable sharing their humor tend to do so in more relaxed environments where the use of humor becomes second nature with everyone’s style.”

Then there are workplaces with employees who tone down their humor, often with the desire to be taken more seriously, he adds. “Yet, this can backfire as people who take themselves overly seriously are often, ironically, taken less seriously by the people around them.”

Lynn Taylor, workplace expert and author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant, believes employees are much more comfortable using humor with colleagues than they are with their bosses. “You face a higher risk factor when joking around with your boss because you just don’t know how your lightheartedness may be taken. So, you generally find greater reticence to use humor with senior managers.”

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Answered by bestanswers

The examination is a fathom to decide our failure or success. The results reveal the truth about ourselves. We cannot access ourselves without examinations. It confronts us with reality and we can decide how far we have reached.  

Examinations are the way to a successful carrier when we are talking about the academic career. In each and every walk of life, we have to clear some sort of examination. If we give importance to values and morals in the path of life, we clear the examination with flying colors.

The fear of examination makes a person nervous and thus the possibility of errors increases. Examination leads us to success. If taken in the right spirit, it’s the way we can judge our capabilities. A little bit of concentration and enthusiasm are the key ingredients of success in any examination.

Let’s take an oath whether it’s an examination of life or academics, we will attempt it with honesty and full dedication. Failure doesn’t mean losing hope rather it means we have been given one more opportunity to perform better.

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