English, asked by manviairy, 1 year ago

Write an article for your school magazine discussing the increasing number of cyber crimes in today world and the preventive measure one can fake sign your self and namrata/naman. You can use the clue given below.
-internet abuse-hacking
-identity theft-face identies
-financial frands
-misusing of pictures & personal information
-black mailing
-prevention-never disclose your identity to stranger keep a watch on sides that children access-website owners to watch
-traffic-use of antivirsum software


Answered by pragyakirola2007



Cybercriminals use the internet and computer technology to hack user’s personal computers, smartphone data, personal details from social media, business secrets, national secrets etc. Criminals who perform these illegal activities through the internet are called – Hackers. Though law enforcement agencies are trying to tackle this problem, it is growing regularly and many people have become victims of identity theft, hacking and malicious software. One of the best ways to stop these criminals and protect sensitive information is by making use of inscrutable security that uses a unified system of software and hardware to authenticate any information that is accessed over the Internet. Let’s find out more about cyber crimes.

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