Write an article for your school magazine on the needs to fight environmental degradation in our country
Environmental Degradation
Environmental degradation is deterioration of environment through depletion of resources such as water,soil and air. it is also defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceive to undesirable.
Environmental degradation one of the ten threats officially cautioned by High level panel on threats, challenges and change of the United Nations.The major causes of environmental degradation are modern urbanization,Industrialisation,over population growth,deforestation etc. The Rapid population and economic development of our country are degrading the environment at an alarming rate. Poverty is said to be both cause and effect of environmental degradation. population living in urban territories of India as per 1901 census was 11.4%.
Environmental degradation to a large scale is result of market failure, namely the non existent and poor functioning markets for environmental goods and services. The ministry of Environment and Forests(MOEF)
in government is responsible for protection, Preservation and Development of environment.
The primary causes of environmental degradation in India are attributed to Rapid growth of population in combination with economic development and overuse of resources. according to World Bank estimated between 1995 through 2010, India has made one of the fastest progress in world, in addressing its environmental issue and improving its environmental qualities.Still, India has a long way to go to reach environmental quality similar to those enjoyed in developed countries.