English, asked by satyamrana6b, 8 months ago

Write an article for your school magazine, urging the fellow students to save water. As water is one of the most precious gifts of nature. But it is unfortunate that we don’t understand its worth and over-exploit this resource for our selfish purposes. It is a matter of serious attention that water must be conserved at all costs.


Answered by Anonymous


Article for school magazine is -

'Save water'

Starting from the most meaningful and awakening proverb - "A drop of water is worth more than a sack of gold to a thirsty man."

The above proverb signifies importance of water, in situation of water scarcity. The current rate, at which water is used is very important depressing. Water being wasted everywhere, starting from the most basic is when you brush your teeth, you keep the tap open. While filling the bottles, letting the water run, while switching bottles, shows one's irresponsible behaviour for water deprived people

One can ask the value of drop of water, to people who have no access to clean water. Also from the people, who are facing droughts. The importance can also be seen, where lot of water is used to extinguish fires in Australia and Amazon forests, due to fires in forests because of change in climate.

Water is important in our day to day lives, right from starting the day at washrooms, to ending the day with drinking water or water related drinks. Decrease in water table, signifies decreased availability of waters to plants as well. To crops too, which are eaten by humans. Animals and birds too remain deprived of water, in areas of water scarcity.

According to data, a person, on an average wastes 0-45 litres per day. In the present scenario, when most of the water bodies, which provide water to our homes, are polluted. The alarming quality of tap water, causing number of water borne diseases, saving water should be on top of our priority list.

I request everyone, to stop wasting water, at your end. I wish to not see any unnecessary water spillage near water tanks, to not see running water from water tanks while filling bottles and chatting or gossiping.

Answered by nilammahato717


Every day we come across news that reminds us just how serious the environmental crisis is. Headlines that announce the dangers of rising sea levels, melting ice caps, and widespread droughts are commonplace. These headlines serve as constant reminders that water is precious.

They also serve as a call to action.

Losing hope in a sea of bad news is not an option for the youth of today.

Many students understand that conserving water is equivalent to conserving their future.

Fortunately, there are strategies that students can implement within their schools to promote water conservation within the academic community.

So, how can students save water at school?

Simple Actions = Big Water Savings

By working together in the school environment, students can promote small but significant changes in collective behavior that will ultimately lead to increased water conservation.

It is easy to save water. Here are some helpful tips and strategies to promote water conservation in school, in the dorms and within the institution as a whole.

Carry a refillable water bottle

Disposable, single-use bottles of water require a lot of water to manufacture. Three times more than the bottle will hold for drinking, to be exact. Disposable bottles often end up in our waterways, contaminating water for many years to come. Drink water from the tap, and refill your bottle as often as you need. You will save water, and this simple investment will save you about $1800 a year.

Skip the tray in the lunch line and use only one plate

Dining halls and cafeterias are notorious water-wasting environments. Most water used in commercial kitchens is spent in dishwashing. One way that students can save water is by minimizing the dirty dishes they generate. If the cafeteria does not offer all-in-one serving trays, skip the tray and use one plate to serve your meal.

Turn off the water when washing your hands

People wash their hands an average of 9 times a day. If people turn off the tap while sudsing their hands, they can save an average of up to six gallons of water a day. For students that live in the dorms, this same strategy can be applied to other daily personal care routines. Brushing your teeth with the tap closed saves up to 200 gallons a month.

Report leaks to the appropriate authorities

Students are often the first people to notice leaks around campus. Report leaking faucets, running toilets, faulty hoses, or broken water fountains. A single dripping faucet can waste 100 gallons of water a day. Reporting leaks and following up to make sure they are fixed is one of the most effective ways individual students can save water at school.

In labs and art rooms, clean up with buckets of water

Certain areas of campus like the art room and science labs are especially wasteful of water. Clean-up from different activities is often inefficient and wasteful. Faucets frequently get left open while equipment gets rinsed out. Ask the school administration to provide buckets and drain plugs for the sinks. If turning off the tap when hand washing saves so much water, imagine the savings from washing paintbrushes in a bucket?

Form a Club and Organize

When students organize into recognized clubs, they often have more success working with the administration of their school. They may be able to access financing and other resources through official channels. Most institutions welcome the opportunity to form bridges with the student community. This is especially true when it comes to realizing initiatives that will help the school save money and reach conservation goals.

Student organizations are capable of taking on large projects. These can be awareness campaigns, campus-wide conservation efforts, or the implementation of different water-saving policies.

Organize a composting system, reorganize landscape design or schedule a water-use audit.

Even without an official student organization, individual students can pair up with faculty and administration officials to put in place larger projects whose goal is to save

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