English, asked by sutapapanda83, 6 hours ago

Write an article highlighting animal rights and the need to treat them with care and also design a poster to spread awareness on the issue​


Answered by vihaanbhasharkar




Animal rights teach us that certain things are wrong as a matter of principle, that there are some things that it is morally wrong to do to animals. Human beings must not do those things, no matter what the cost to humanity of not doing them. Human beings must not do those things, even if they do them in a humane way.

Answered by Teghroop


Here is your answer

Reports of cruelty to be taken seriously

The seed of kindness in students should be sown right from the childhood as it is crucial to imbibe the quality of in them. Demand for strict laws and their effective implementation against preventing cruelty against animals is also must. Banners and posters should be put up at all major areas of the town to spread awareness among general public about being compassionate with animals. A police force, specialising in animal protection, should be actively working to keep crime against animals in check. Reports of cruelty against street animals should also be taken seriously.

Animals not safe even in pet shelters

Frequent raids should be conducted against people who operate under the guise of shelter providers or ‘rescuers’. These hoarders often fail to provide for animals’ physical and social needs, including food, water, veterinary care and sanitary living conditions. Further, animals are often confined to tiny cages or crates by them, which are stacked on top of each other. Steps should also be taken to stop intentional cruelty, by way of spreading education and awareness about proper animal care by each and every individual owner to provide an animal with the basic necessities of food, water, adequate shelter and appropriate veterinary care. In addition, children throwing stones at birds should also be stopped. Last but not the least, take a photo or capture a video if you witness any incident of cruelty against animals. Ravi Chander Garg

See animals as part of society

If everyone starts to look at animals and not just dogs and cats as fellow animals, who share our planet, we will see far fewer cases of cruelty towards animals. Organisations such as the SPCA and PETA, which are working for animal rights, can achieve a lot if they receive help from local organisations and public in general. There are rules and laws against the ill-treatment of animals, but are rarely followed. Selfish and money-minded people sell body parts of animals for their personal gains. We all need to develop an emotional attitude towards animals and try to instil the same in the coming generations to safeguard the lives of the animals, which are an important part of our ecosystem. Bir Devinder Singh Bedi

No animal attacks without reason

Any animal attacks only if it has been molested first. No animal attacks without reason. To understand the nature and behavior of animals, one can observe it by adopting pets. Even if one feeds stray animals on a regular basis, the strays become loyal to that individual. The fact that animals cannot speak the language humans don’t understand should be taken into consideration before torturing or abusing them. Humans are the one who need to understand the meaning of humanity and treat animals with respect.


Regular monitoring can keep population in check

To keep a check on brutal treatment against animals, it is important to keep an eye on the population of street animals. Highly growing population of animals in urban areas may lead to insecurity among people and cause resistance in the busy life of people. It is not hidden that kids are not safe owing to overpopulation of stray dogs. All these circumstances give rise to cruel and brutal treatment against animals. By regular monitoring and supervising particular areas, we all can contribute in protecting animals from cruelty. In extreme cases of animal cruelty, it becomes the responsibility of the witness to call animal services agency. Ill-treatment towards animals can only be stopped if strict laws are enforced for their protection. Teaching children to have respect for animals is the first step towards this. Report animal cruelty and abuse, and intervene if you can to prevent animal cruelty.


Encourage animal-free circuses

Animal cruelty has been on the rise in the recent times and has become a matter of concern. Hitting dogs, throwing bricks at animals, taming them forcefully for circuses and trading of parts of animals are some of the brutal and cruel actions against animals. To keep this in check, it is the responsibility of the members of animal rights organisation to visit various areas and circuses and hold report the guilty. A strict action should be taken against hunting and trading of animals. Animal testing should be completely eliminated. The government should encourage animal-free circuses to and teach children about respecting and loving animals.




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