English, asked by champu6235, 1 year ago

write an article in 150 - 200 words on say no to drug


Answered by buddykavitha



The worst form of abuse for the human body comes from drugs. They destroy a person from inside outwards. It starts affecting the organs eventually reaching the brain and can even become fatal when taken in a large quantity or for a long time. Drugs are usually taken because they seem to be a temporary solution of a problem or they provide solace by calming the senses, but that also shows how detrimental they can prove to be to one’s health. Playing with the nervous system can never turn out to be good in the longer run.

There are various forms of drug abuse or as the bigger term is known, substance abuse. It entails drugs, alcohol and everything that makes a person high and calms their senses rendering them inactive for a couple of hours or days. The biggest myth related to drug abuse is that people who do it lack moral values which is not the case. Any person can get addicted to drugs willingly or unwillingly. The problem is some don’t find out the harm it does to their health till it is very late. Lately the youth seems to have become a major part of the population which is pro drug abuse and this could be because of any reason- the company, a temporary solution to problems or medication. Drug abuse in most cases affects the brain because if stops your nerve sells from sending and receiving the message to or from the brain, and because it is an unnatural phenome, it can hamper the way your brain functions forever.

Answered by KamaldevSharma


Say no to drugs.

by Kamaldev Sharma

Drug abuse is a common problem among teenagers all over the world. Drugs are chemical substances that produce physical, mental, behavioral or emotional changes in the person. Use of any drugs for other purpose other than medicinal use is known as drug abuse.

Once a person starts taking drugs, they become physically or psychologically dependent on the drugs. This dependence is known as addiction. Alcohol, nicotine, cocaine and marijuana are some of the common drugs. Nicotine is commonly available in the different forms such as Cigaratte, Bidi, Gutka and Pan Masala.

The Deadly disease of AIDS spread from the infected person by using or sharing syringes which are used for injecting drug and also spread by sexual contact with an infected person. Hence, It is important to so no to drugs and avoid them at all costs.

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