write an article in about 120 words for your school magazine
on the topic " the importance of learning the art of public speaking
One of the great human fears is public speaking. We believe this is rooted in our schooling, where we essentially trained to be listeners to, not “professors” of, knowledge. But view us on the playground, and you see us with a very different persona and voice, one alive in heart, body and soul.
This transformation is at the heart of the Hyde Public Speaking Course, taught to all seniors by Hyde School Founder Joe Gauld—getting students to have the courage to be their playground selves and become more of this persona both in life and in school, including the classroom. While they will need to learn some important new skills to assist them in this public transformation, they already have the potentials required to make them effective, even outstanding speakers.
The benefits are enormous. For once we become comfortable and effective talking to larger groups, we find ourselves really being able to connect to smaller groups and in our personal relationships. The process helps bring out a deeper part of ourselves that makes us more real, interesting, sensitive and attractive to others. We then begin to connect to others in creating the powerful synergy that enables us and them to realize higher personal bests beyond our own efforts: 1+1=3
hope it helps