English, asked by KarlaDamienza, 10 months ago

Write an article in about 120 words on the following,for the school magazine : Your Lifestyle without the modern gadgets.

armanparate: Take your answer
KarlaDamienza: thanks again....but a little bit longer
KarlaDamienza: if u don't mind
KarlaDamienza: no no no..... there's no need anymore
KarlaDamienza: but anyways thanks
armanparate: Okay
armanparate: Any other question 's answer your want
KarlaDamienza: The one which says that more and more children and teenagers are becoming prone.........
armanparate: Okay
armanparate: I will give the answer tommorow if u don't mind


Answered by Mylo2145
 \huge \textsf{Lifestyle Without }\\ \huge \textsf{Modern Gadgets }

Technology is developing with a haste in today's world. Each and every single day, new discoveries are getting explored, new inventions are being made, new gadgets and gizmos are entering the market. With this advancement in technology is coming the advancement in people's lifestyles and standards of living. The world has become a tech-savvy one today. We get everything we want with just a click without even getting up nowadays.

But, have you ever imagined how life would be like without these gadgets and gizmos today?

Well, this question has to answers according to the Answerer's point of view towards them. Let us look at both of them simultaneously.

Just imagine, one fine day, all the gadgets you are using for your comfort and wellness get vanished! For some of you, life would become hell because you are used to these modern day gadgets and will not be easily able to adapt to the sudden changes. So, the main thing to which you are habituated to is your phone. You will no longer be able to entertain yourself or communicate with far off friends and relatives. Now, that's heartbreaking, no! The second important gadget you use in your life is the Television. That too, will cause the dearth of entertainment mainly. Then you have speakers, washing machine, refrigerator, torches, etc. All these things will make your schedule even more hectic. Just think, all those things which were done by gadgets, will be done by you then.. All those! All your time will get consumed and you will get exhausted. On the other hand, while doing these activities, you will perform some physical work. These will benefit your body and prevent laziness and even diseases like Obesity. You will gradually become active and will unleash your potential. You will discover that you can do great things that you never thought of. Eventually, you will get adapted to the hectic schedule and things will seem easier. You will realise that much of your time was getting wasted in silly things like entertaining yourself through social media and television. Your brain will start working and your lethargy will fly off. You will be amazed to see the dramatic changes in yourself.

So, the thing to think about is if vanishing of modern gadgets is a boon or a bane? To some extent or say some days, it can be considered as a bane but after that, can it be considered a boon?

 \textbf {What's your say!?}

Mylo2145: tysm❤️
Anonymous: Nice answer
ChrisSmith: Really an awesome article!! :)
Mylo2145: Thankyaa❤️
RohitSaketi: People are over rating ur answer(s) @Vidhi Keep an eye on it ...btw its Good ..just dont take any compliments more than ''good'' and improve ur performance
Mylo2145: that's what I wanted❤️ thanks rohit! I ll try to improve n make the best outta me :)
armanparate: Are you moderate here
Siddhi497: Wow didi! Luved this❤️
Mylo2145: Thankyou sissy❤️
Answered by abhishek00001
hiii user.
well think about it. if we had no modern gadgets, you couldn't go online to get homework help. you'd need to head to the library. you wouldn't be able to Facebook or email your friends, you'd have to go out and walk to their houses. cell phones would be unheard of, and you'd have to write letters instead. you wouldn't be able to zap leftovers in the microwave. there would be no internet predators or cyber-bullying, and the obese people of the world would be much skinnier. everything would be manual, and we'd learn to be a lot tougher.

hoping helps you

abhishek00001: ab thik hai didi
abhishek00001: ji
abhishek00001: mylo didi
Mylo2145: yes buddy :)
abhishek00001: can yu answer my question also
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