English, asked by esha238, 1 year ago

write an article in not more than 200 words condemning the use of furs and animal skins for making clothes and accessories.


Answered by samruddhichordiya123
Animals who are used for clothing experience pain and fear for their entire lives and face electrocution, gassing, strangulation, poisoning and many other atrocities – including being skinned or boiled alive – simply to bring you the next skin purse, silk sari, wool coat, fur hat, pair of leather shoes or any other animal-based clothing item or accessory.

Wearing animal-based clothing, footwear or accessories supports cruelty!

Fur obtained from abused animals is converted into garments, bags, purses, sandals, caps, gloves and other products that are typically seen at hill stations and Kashmir emporiums. Fur comes from animals who were cruelly trapped in the wild or specially bred on farms.

Traps are laid in the forest and checked days or weeks later. But before the traps are checked, animals who become caught in them endure terror, extreme pain, broken bones and starvation. Many trapped animals are killed by predators, and approximately 25 per cent of them chew off their own limbs in a desperate attempt to escape. Traps often capture non-fur-bearing animals, who are considered “trash” by the industry.

Animals raised on fur farms are confined to cramped spaces before being gassed, electrocuted, strangled and stamped on and having their necks broken. Some of these methods are not 100 per cent effective, and many animals “wake up” while they are being skinned. In India, rabbits were the first animals to be farmed for fur.

Alternatives to Fur

Many garments and accessories are made from synthetic materials that look and feel like fur, and you can buy these products with a clear conscience, safe in the knowledge that you’re not supporting the cruel fur industry.

Buying leather directly supports the misery of the slaughterhouse. According to statistics from the Ministry of Food Processing Industries and the Council for Leather Exports, the value of leather exports from India – which is one of the largest leather manufacturers in the world – is 10 times greater than the value of its meat exports. So clearly cows and other cattle are suffering and being cruelly slaughtered so that the leather industry can profit from their skins.

Believe it or not, India’s treatment of cows is among the cruellest in the world. Since it is illegal to kill healthy, young cattle in India, they are often deliberately maimed. Their legs may be broken, or they may be poisoned so that they can be declared fit for slaughter – not that many slaughterhouse workers care about the letter of the law. We have seen healthy calves as well as cows who were still able to produce milk being killed openly.

Cattle are tied together with ropes that are run through their noses, and they are beaten mercilessly during forced “death marches” over hundreds of kilometres. They are also transported in appalling conditions after being crammed on top of each other into lorries in the searing Indian heat. During transport, they cannot help but crush one another, and they die hideous deaths as a result of suffocation and injuries. The lorries careen at breakneck speeds along bumpy dirt and gravel roads and down mountain passes, pitching the cows around and causing more injuries and deaths.

During the marches, cattle collapse from hunger, exhaustion, injury and despair. Handlers force them along by breaking their tails at each joint and rubbing tobacco, chillies and salt into their eyes. Each time a cow’s tail is broken, the pain is similar to what we would feel if we broke a finger. They are never offered food or even so much as a drop of water.


i hope this help u

Answered by tushargupta0691


The Use Of Furs And Animal Skins For Making Clothes And Accessories.

Compassion is in style. Being human is always fashionable! Unfortunately, some people have misconstrued the definition of fashion. We know from history that animals are hunted for their fur and skin. Surprisingly, even educated people are unaware of the horrors that animals endure for the sake of their skin on this planet.Cruelty to animals is a punishable offence under the law. Most governments prohibit poaching. However, no law can protect animals from man's cruelty unless we change our attitude toward them. Animal skin and fur are being used to make fashion statements in the form of clothing, bags, belts, and accessories! They are highly valued possessions that are sold at exorbitant prices. It is a heinous and abhorrent practise. PETA and other organisations work tirelessly to raise awareness about the use of animal skin and fur in clothing and bags.


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