write an article inbout150 wods on language as a means of suppression
Linguistic chauvinism is inordinate love for one’s own language; this love is so much that one considers one’s language to be superior to all the other languages of the world.
In the chapter 'The Last Lesson', Alphonso Daudet highlighted this problem of suppression by using language. The Germans imposed their language on the people of Alsace and Lorraine. They did not think how cruel it was as they were blinded by linguistic chauvinism.
There are many similar examples in the history of the world. When Mughals and the British occupied Indian subcontinent, they imposed their languages on Indians. However, the Indians managed to stick to their native languages.
Historical references from British era using their language (English) to become Elitists in the India society and other colonies.
2. Germans forcing their language on the French during their occupation of Alsace and Lorraine.
3. The modern-apparent cults spreading their tongue on the less virtuous groups, making them believe in their superiority.
4. Establishing the dominant language as the means of survival.