English, asked by kumarpraveen6382, 8 months ago

Write an article on a topic that interests you



Answered by shreeharshpisal


Independence Day Speech for Teachers: Independence day is an Indian national festival that brings zealous determinations, affirmations, and positivity amongst all of us. The same feeling of patriotism increases when we share it with our students, as these are our future leaders. As a student, one must also be prepared to deliver a good speech. As you are the one representing your future responsibilities through words. To always ace and leave a great impact on your independence day speech for Kids in English for teachers, you must be prepared with an interesting audience gripping speech. Soonly we will Update Independence Day Speech in Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu.

Students can also find more English Speech Writing about Welcome Speeches, Farewell Speeches, etc

Long and Short Speeches on Independence Day for Teachers

India got independence in 1947, which was 73 years ago. In these years we have already seen a lot of great speeches. But you should try something new, below we have two speeches, both short and long, consisting of 300 and 500 words simultaneously. You can bring up to leave a great impact amongst your fellow students and respected teachers. Short Speech on Independence Day for Teachers is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Long Speech on Independence Day for Teachers is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10. A Paragraph on Independence Day is helpful for students to write paragraph writing.

Short Speech on Independence Day for Teachers

Happy independence day and heartily good morning to my dear patriots.

“One individual may die for an idea; but that idea will, after his death incarnate itself in a thousand lives.”

This quote by Netaji means that we are the human incarnation of the ideas that our ancestors have thought of. We must strive harder every day of our life for a better India, that is prosperous and equal to all its citizens.

Independence day is a festival when we celebrate our martyrs and their struggles of a long span of 200 years. India was a British colony for 2 centuries. In this period, the nation underwent a lot of events which made our freedom fighters anxious for a better future. That we are witnessing today. The events being, the massacre at Jalianwala Bagh, the faulty land settlement systems only benefiting the Crown, racial discrimination, and endless such plights. We have come so far that we have started taking it for granted, forgetting the true meaning of the day.

This day shan’t be just a day when we gather to raise the flag and eat sweets. One must keep in mind that the flag that we raise is our head, that we shall never let anyone down. The flag is also the heads that were beheaded in the time stretch. We shall not let them down either. No bite of the delicious sweet should be taken without thinking of those nights when our leaders fought empty stomachs. Us as citizens of this country should always keep the past, present and future glory alive in every moment of this day. We shall promise to keep the head of our farmers, soldiers, doctors, industrialists, and government bodies high. And we shall promise this till perpetuity.

Thank you!

Jai Hind

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