write an article on about 100_150 words on importance of Female education
The word education means- a process of teaching, training, and learning especially in schools or colleges to improve knowledge and develop skills. It is the most important jewelry of the human today. It is very important for every person today.
There are both male and female people in any family, society and nation. They are equally responsible for the development of home, society and nation. They need equal opportunities and rights. Both male and female need equal education to be both equal in society. But due to many different causes many women are not literate. They are deprived from education. In some societies even today, females are not allowed to formal education. In some societies they are taught after teenage. That kind of education is informal or adult education.
Education has different varieties or names. Education to women after their childhood is known as female education. Nearly 51% of the total population of the country consists of women. Not only in the past, but also in the present female education is neglected in some countries. Only the girls from well to-do families could get an opportunity of education. But with the development and changing world scenario, this idea has been slowly changed today. Many people have realized the importance of educating girls or female.The numbers of girls is increasing day by day in the schools and campuses. However, many women are still deprived of education. There exists a sort of discrimination education even today in some communities. Many parents are ready to spend a lot for sons whereas Daughters are sent to general schools paying very less.
Education has many advantages. As we say that both men and women are the wheels of the same cart; two sides of the same coin, they are two feet of a person. There are many advantages of female education. As a cart cannot move on one wheel, similarly, a Family, society or a nation cannot progress if both men and women not educated. Further, an educated mother can train her children in a better way, she can support her husband. An educated woman is well mannered, polite and courteous. She keeps her home happy. The overall progress of the family, society and country finally depends upon the joint efforts of both men and women. Therefore, education for women has an important role to play for the development of a nation.
Not only preservation is not good and long lasting for women but equal opportunities and competitions and necessary to enable them for equal representation in every field. Some strong steps are to be taken immediately in order to end the prevalent discrimination against women education. Awareness campaign special incentive, scholarships and other facilities or educational materials are needed for female education. A nation can prosper only with the united efforts of men and women; it is possible only from both male and female education.
In conclusion, education is necessary for both male and female. Education for women is quite important for the development of a family, society or nation. Today all people have realized the importance and necessity of female education. The people as well as governments have to work together to educate both the men and women.