English, asked by yaswanthi1850, 1 year ago

Write an article on changing socities


Answered by Roy00007
Modern society which is very complex and often contradictory has its origin in the ancient times as far back as 4000 years ago. Deeply rooted in spirituality, yet having equal attraction towards materialism, sometimes leading to unethical behaviour, inclination and commitment towards science, logic and reason, yet superstitious practices are rampant.

Untouchability has been constitutionally abolished and caste and community based discrimination banned, its practice is common and it is a major tool of vote-bank politics in India. Thus, Indian society presents a contradictory picture and can be seen in the perspective of a society in the process of continued change or flux.

Social change is a broader term which implies change in infrastructure, facilities and their distribution, change in thought, attitude and behaviour of the people, change in faith, culture, tradition and living styles, etc. Change is a natural inevitable process which continues in every age and will continue to happen even in future. Social infrastructure, cultural, attitudinal and behavioural changes do not remain static.


They continuously change with the passage of time. It is the result of this natural process of change that life underwent sea change from the Stone Age to the Computer Age. Social change basically constitutes a transformation at all level of thought, behaviour and action that does not presuppose either a strict positive or negative impact. In fact, the impact cannot be confined to one direction only.

Indeed the change has both positive and negative impact which may lead the society towards progress or regression. Social change is not a sudden process. It is a gradual process which takes lots of time to happen. Neither is it the result of any single factor. It is the result of so many factors which include demographic, technological, political, economic, cultural and legal.

Generally, social conflict, growth and expansion and knowledge and scientific and technological advancement lead to social change. Indeed, the research and advancement in the field of science and technology bring about a change in the outlook of society. Besides, the demographic factors also contribute to social change.

Answered by arc555
Ever society is subject to change. These social changes occur due to many reasons and factors, but we may note a number of social changes taking place in our society in the recent period, which is, mainly, due to the rapid technological advancement and progressions.

And in all of these social changes occurred, the emancipation of the women is the one of the biggest and the most significant social changes occurred in our society. Now, we see a phenomenal change in the entire social and cultural settings, as more women joining the men's world with more zeal and passion. The participation of women into all socio-political, educational, economical, and development affairs is being increased at the fastest pace.

'Women's emancipation is an integral part of the political program of socialism'. (Lupri, 1983, 296) As a major part of an extensive social engineering process, women are being pushed strategically into the outside world by design be it a field like sports, politics, military services, or legislative assemblies etc.

Women are becoming independent economically, thus giving an alarming rise to family break-ups, single parent phenomenon, mentally disturbed kids and a social breakdown altogether. The whole human race is in danger, and today's mothers utilize all available means to restrict the number of children and multiply their total income, as well as social evils to further degrees.

The real suffer of our today socity are chilldren.As they are not getting as much as love and affection requird from thier family nad socity just because of the busy schedule. Family has lost most of its values. As today's society is consumed withe technology, so is thee entire family and in turn, thereatens necessary family bonds. Divorce rates have jumped from about 385,000 divorces in 1950 to over 8,203,000 divorces in 2009. And instead of kids playing fun, creative games, theeir stuck inside playing "Angry Birds" on iPods.

Off corse time is changing and it is ponsibility of our young generation to bring new moral values.But teens of this generation are continuosly getting involve in drinking alcohol and smoking.Even they start smoking at their early age maens from their school life.Also they are following the modern fashin blindly.And becoming addicted to such thing which are not good for them and thier socity.

Society is changing rapidly, and it's sometimes difficult to keep up withe. We need to ask ourselves, is it changing for thee better? I say no. There are indeed, good theings theat have come from our ever-changing world, but withe good comes bad. Mixed messages from thee media, cyberbullying, a loss of almost all morals and values, theis society is getting worse everyday. More and more people are trying to do better for society, but is it really enough theat thee statistics of today are so out of hand? Society changed, and it is still changing, and it will change again. Are you going to let the bad pass by like notheing but a grain of sand in thee hour-glass of time? Or are you willing to do sometheing?
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