Write an article on child labour and battle for child rights in India
According to 2001 national census, there were about 12.26 million children aged between 5-14 years, engaged in economic activities within different sectors. India has the highest number of labourers, aged under 14, in the world. Even today there are 32.7 lakhs children who are forced to work in rural and 10.8 lakhs in urban areas. The carpet industry in Mirzapur and Bhadohi is notorious for exploiting & employing children. The glass and bangle industry in Firozabad has more than 20,000 children working in hazardous & dangerous conditions. The diamond industry also employs thousands of children. The more recent report of International Labour Organization (ILO) claims that child labour is more significant in Tamil Nadu’s fireworks or incense sticks industries. About 20 million children are condemned to work as domestic labourers and in restaurants. Many NGOs like ‘Bachpan Bachao Andolan’ of Kailash Sathyarthi are working sincerely to eradicate child labour in India. Only concerted efforts by the government, the NGOs and the common public can eradicate this evil from our society.
Child labor refers to the act of making children work in any field of work. It is an act which is forced either by the owners or parents. Childhood refers to the stage of life where the child is taken care with utmost love. Whereas, child labor makes the children work like an elder. Due to child labor, it causes improper development in child, improper personal growth and growth of mind, and the child remains intellectually and socially unhealthy. Childhood refers to the memorable period which involves attending regular school and spending time with family and friends. The child involved in child labor mostly engage themselves in illegal activities. Therefore, the government prohibits the act of child labor and one must follow it.