English, asked by rakeshtambi78, 5 months ago



Answered by mittalaayush308

The children are forced to work like adults at a young age; this act is called Child Labour. It simply ceases the childhood of small children. It leads to physical, social, and moral harm to little children. The number of children who are forcefully employed is undetected in India. The children are sometimes forced to work under bad working conditions and inadequate wages, food, or rest. Many children are affected physically, sexually, mentally, and emotionally.

Child labour is primarily seen in India due to the country’s poverty, which also leads to another reason, which is poor schooling opportunities. Victim of child labour constitutes of both rural and urban regions. According to the census report 2011, India’s population between the age of 5-14 years is 259.6 million. Out of these, 10.1 children are a victim of child labour. As per reports, nearly 40 percent of the children work in the field of jewelry cutting. Many industries like mining, restaurants, tea stalls, embroidery employ children. They can also be found as domestic labour in a few homes.

The government authorities and organizations should unite against child labour and free the children from the abuse and atrocities under it.

Answered by amrita5723

  1. Child Labour is the broad term under which we can fit the attempt to rob a child of their childhood. It snatches from the child their untapped potential and only harnesses very little of the energy that the child possesses. It is harmful to the child and stunts their mental as well as physical development. It surely scars the child for life. It is an immoral practice and tampers with the development process of the child.
  2. Child labour is a pressing problem in the country of India. There is a vicious cycle of poverty that triggers the need for child labourers in the country. There are various kinds of poverty, absolute poverty and relative poverty are just some parts of it. The country’s spectrum of poverty is so broad that it increases the number of children labourers manifold.

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