English, asked by miku2020, 8 months ago

Write an Article on 'Environmental Pollution in India' in about 150 words.​


Answered by upenderjoshi28

          Environmental Pollution in India

The problem of pollution in India is quite critical. The pollution in our country comes from industry, and vehicles. Industry produces air pollution in the form of untreated smoke that has many hazardous gases in it; the industry also discharges thousands of liters of toxic untreated effluents into the river and its tributary. The air and the water of the city have become highly toxic, leading to many health complications.

The only solutions to this very critical problem is, people’s mass participation in saving the environment. Mass forestation drive, and stopping the use of fossil fuels altogether can solve this problem. There are other alternative fuels available. The government must act strictly. There should be a ban on fossil fuels. All vehicles must either be CNG or electrical. The government must create forest belt near every city or town. Toxic smoke emissions and effluents of industries must be treated in treatment plants before releasing them into the environment. Those units that don’t comply with the environmental laws must be shut down.  

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