English, asked by vismayasunan, 1 year ago

Write an article on how google controls the life of an average person? 150-200 words


Answered by alandavidtompd0zuk

Call it innovation. Call it the tech evolution. Or the Internet of Things. Call it awesome. Or convenient. Some people call it kinda creepy.

Google is taking over our lives.

It's not anything terribly surprising. But maybe it is. Once you think about all those gloriously nerdy "moonshots" from Google and how the tech is permeating every facet of our lives, well, it adds up.

With Google's I/O developers conference this week, we have another handful of gadgets and services that sync up and make our lives so much easier. (And monitored and recorded and and potentially shared with the government, etc.).

Here's a list of Google products that illustrate what I'm getting at. Some examples (Nest, Dropcam) might outrightly bother some people more than others. Let's start with the new additions first and work our way backwards:

Nest: Google recently acquired this smart thermostat startup. Nest helps people monitor and control the temperature in their homes -- with an eye on energy savings. It gives Google a foot into technology that makes our homes smarter.

Dropcam: On behalf of Nest, Google recently purchased home-monitoring startup Dropcam. Now, Google will help you watch yourself and your friends and your family and your colleagues -- in your home or your office or wherever else you might want to install a surviellance camera.

Google Fit: Announced at I/O yesterday, this is a new suite of health-related apps for tracking fitness goals. Like other popular services, Google Fit will track every move you make and every breath you take. Well, almost3.

Answered by tushargupta0691


                    How google control the life of an average person

                                                 XYZ(writers name)

Without a doubt, Google has made everyone smarter, but it has also contributed to our sluggishness. For sure, the internet has changed our mental habits. The majority of people have lost their ability to read and comprehend anecdotes. The deep reading that was once seen in everyone has now become a struggle. The concentration begins to wane.

Our lives have become more sluggish as a result of quick Google searches, links, and hyperlinks. The technology we thought we were using to improve our lives began to reshape our social behaviour and relationships. We use Google to look up common information that can also be found in books or newspapers. Not only Google, but all search engines, should be used sparingly. There should be a method for using these search engines. They provide thought material, but they also shape the thought process.


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