English, asked by imranburud774, 2 months ago

Write an article on in 100-120 words on ‘The Sufferings of Indian Women’ for your school magazine. You are Suresh/Shivani of Oxford Public School, New Delhi


Answered by utkarshb1407


The culture and tradition of India is considered as old and great all over the world where people used to worship various female goddesses, saints and poets. India is also a powerful nation and famous worldwide for being the largest democracy in the world however, women backwardness is also very clear in the Indian society because of the social issues, problems and lots of restrictions against women. Women belong to the lower and middle class family suffers more than the women of higher class family. Women in the Indian society generally face problems of  discrimination, high percentage of illiteracy, female infanticide, dowry system.

Taking birth as a woman in the Indian society can be said as curse for the women. Women in India face lots of social issues and problems all through the life which are big struggle for them right from their beginning of life. Female infanticide is the most common practice of killing girl child in mother’s womb in the Indian society. Women in India are considered as burden for their parents and husbands as they think that women are here only to consume money whole life without earning a little bit.


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